Tag Archives: divorce financial planning

Divorce Property Division

Photo credit: Constantine Pankin / shutterstock.com

If you are facing a divorce, then you need to decide with your spouse regarding how the property will be divided. It can get very complicated in some cases. You may need the help of an expert to handle the situation for you. Von Esch Law Group can help you out in this regard. Some basic rules regarding property division are:

1. Separate Property and Community Property: First, you need to classify all your assets on the basis of the time of their purchase. All the properties and the other assets which a couple acquires jointly after their marriage are classified as community property. Any property which you owned before your marriage is termed as separate property. In case of separate property, you are the only owner. However, in case of community property, you are the joint owner along with your spouse and you need to divide it.
The date of separation is also very important. The date of divorce and the date of separation are two different things. Property acquired after the date of separation but before the divorce date is considered as separate property. Date of separation is the date when one of you decide to separate and there must be some physical evidence. Divorce date is the date when the marriage is officially over. It can be quite confusing in some cases. If a couple is unable to fix their date of separation, then the court will decide the date.

2. Property value: After you divide your total property into community property and separate property, you need to assign market values to each of your assets. It is advisable to take the help of an expert while determining the market values. After that, both of you will have to fill a form, declaring all the properties which you own and their market value. You should disclose all the assets which you own. If you decide to hide anything, then you can land up in trouble later.

3. Dividing Debt: You need to be very careful while dividing debts. Most couples generally agree to divide the total debt equally. But you need to remember that your divorce agreement is not binding on your creditors. They can ask you to pay off the entire debt, and you won’t be able to do anything. Hence, the best thing is to clear off all the debts before divorce.

4. Dividing Pension: If you are having a pension plan, then your spouse may also benefit from it. It will be termed as a community property. You can pay off your spouse’s share of interest in the pension plan directly by cash. In many states, you need to file a QRDO. It is basically a set of instructions, which contains all the relevant details regarding how the division will be done.

Are You Being Discriminated Against Due To Your Disability?

Are You Being Discriminated Against Due To Your Disability?
Photo Credit: Katty2016/Shutterstock.com

A resident of California who believes that they have been treated differently by an employer because of their disability or a perceived disability can take legal action to protect their rights and to receive monetary compensation for a wrongful act of discrimination. Residents of California have the ability to pursue their claims under California’s anti-discrimination law or the federal Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). It should be noted that the California law is written and often interpreted more broadly than the federal law.

The state law on disability discrimination differs from the federal ADA in several ways. The state law provides for broader definitions of all types of disabilities and there is no requirement for a substantial personal limitation for a major life activity. The California law definitions include not only physical disabilities but also mental disabilities and a medical condition that limits life activities. The degree of limitation is not important.

Anyone who believes they have experienced disability discrimination should consult an attorney who can assess their claim and determine whether action should be filed under state or federal law. Both laws are complex, and the disability limitations can be difficult to understand and apply to an individual situation.

However, both laws prohibit discrimination against a person in many aspects of employment and the employment process becauseof a mental or physical disability. It is against both disability laws to discriminate in recruitment, hiring, firing, preferential job assignments, training opportunities, pay, promotions, employee benefits, personal or medical leaves or any other activity or action related to employment.

The discrimination laws do not end with employment practices. An employer who fails to maintain a workplace that is free of barriers to the mobility of disabled employees is in violation of the state and federal laws. Harassing an employee with disabilities because of their disabilities is also prohibited under state and federal laws. Disabled employees are to be provided with accommodations that will help them perform the requirements of their job. A person cannot be discriminated against because they are related to or associate with anyone who is disabled.

The term “disability” embraces a broad range of physical and mental conditions, and the laws are specific in the proof required to substantiate a disability. Both laws emphasize that the term disability must be interpreted broadly and specifically in defining the meaning of “substantially limits.”

While the state and federal laws liberally define many matters relating to discriminating against a disabled person, it is essential that an attorney be consulted if you believe you have a claim. It is also important that you act quickly because action is time limited.

How Can I Prepare Myself for a Custody Battle?

How Can I Prepare Myself for a Custody Battle?
Photo Credit: schatzie/Shutterstock.com

If you are looking to regain custody of your child/children, there are many steps you could take to improve your chances of doing so. There are also a few key tips about the California divorce process that will make you feel better prepared and informed for your custody proceedings.

First Step:

Choosing the best family law attorney you can afford is first and foremost the best way to start your journey. You will get the most knowledgeable and experienced help possible!  Hiring the right attorney could mean the difference of getting what you wanted or getting nothing at all. Some advice: You don’t want to slack off any of this process when your children’s future is at stake!

Second Step:

This may sound cliché, but keeping a journal and documenting this journey could benefit you greatly. Here are a few things you’re going to want to keep track of:

  • How much time you spend with your children
  • What activities you are all involved in
  • How much time the other parent spends with the child/children
  • Note the time the other parent is gone, when they go to work and come home, and when they travel out of town
  • Note any negative remarks, threats, arguments, profanities, or any other behavior that would impact custody

It would be in your best interest to keep track of the past six months to a year. Make sure you write down everything you have done, as well as, everything the other parent has done. Be sure to be ready to prove you are an active and involved caretaker, and that you deserve custody of your children. Bringing photos or an album of your child being happy in your care could only help your situation.

Third Step:

Showing that you are well established and are able to provide for your child/children is important. Make sure the court is aware of the fact that you:

  • Have a job and a place of residency
  • Have already been preparing for school and child care
  • Have community ties through extracurricular activities, volunteering at school, involvement in your neighborhood, etc.

Be prepared to show why the other parent is not capable of providing for the child properly. It might help to find people who would testify about problems with the other parent’s inadequacies.

Do not leave the family residence until you have a custody arrangement in place.

Do not leave the family residence without a court order or written agreement if you are planning to move out, even without the children. A written agreement needs to set the custody arrangement to start once you have left home.

Full Custody and Over-Night Visitation

Both custody and visitation are decided in court on what is in the child’s best interest. Although it is best for the child to have strong relationships with both of the parents. If this is a civil separation and there isn’t any negativity with your ex, there is no reason he or she can’t have overnight visitation.

Questions for Your Attorney

As you go through this custody process, be sure to ask your attorney all the right questions. Here are a few you should ask:

  • What factors are important in gaining temporary custody of my children?
  • What are the consequences of moving out of my house and giving temporary child custody to the other parent?
  • If I lose temporary child custody, what should I do to gain or improve my situation and get a better permanent custody arrangement?

Making Your Case For Spousal Support

Making Your Case For Spousal Support
Photo Credit: http://www.BillionPhotos.com/Shutterstock.com

After separating from your spouse, you are likely to experience some financial challenges. Depending on what kind of separation you had, you may be entitled to spousal support that can help your financial situation. When deciding if a spouse is entitled to spousal support benefits, the court will consider various aspects regarding their marriage. The main factor that they will consider is whether or not you have children and if so, who is the primary caretaker for these children. They will also consider your lifestyle before the divorce took place and also your marital standard of living.

When preparing a spousal support case, you will need to include several documents that basically show where and how you spend your money. Some of the documents you will include are:

  1. Credit-Card Statements
  2. Checking Account Statements
  3. Credit Reports
  4. Passports
  5. Tax Returns
  6. Gift Tax Returns

The best thing to do when seeking spousal support is to be prepared. It is important that you protect yourself and your children. Make sure that you have an experienced attorney by your side that is after your best interests.

For more information regarding Von Esch Law Group and their legal services, visit their website and Facebook page!

Better Strategies Being Sought to Curb Domestic Violence

ADVANCE FOR USE MONDAY, NOV. 17, AND THEREAFTER -  In this Oct. 31, 2014 photo, High Point Police Chief Marty Sumner, left, and Detective J.W. Thompson discuss the department’s domestic violence prevention program, in High Point, N.C. As part of the program, Thompson will personally serve formal notices at the city’s jail to domestic violence offenders, putting them on formal notice that they will be monitored on an ongoing basis and treated harshly for any re-offense regardless of whether their victim formally complains or not. (AP Photo/Lynn Hey)On a high school football field near Pittsburgh, an assistant coach tackled a topic unrelated to the upcoming game.

“One of the biggest components of being a man is how you treat females,” Kevin Murray told his players at Woodland Hills High. “We’d be doing you a very big disservice by not holding you accountable.”

At the jailhouse in High Point, N.C., a sterner version of that message is now given routinely to men detained for domestic-violence offenses and considered at risk of re-offending.

“We’re putting these guys on notice that domestic violence is not going to be tolerated here,” said Police Chief Marty Sumner. “The message is very clear: ‘We know who you are, we know what you’re doing. It has to stop.’”

The two programs target different audiences. But in the realm of domestic-violence prevention, where the record of success is spotty, they share a status as two of the nation’s most promising initiatives.
Coaching Boys Into Men is one of the flagship programs developed by Futures Without Violence, a nonprofit working to curb abuse of women and children. Thousands of high school coaches across the country, now joined by some middle school coaches, have received training in how to convey to their players the importance of treating young women with respect and avoiding abusive behavior.

The program has attracted the notice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The federal agency funded a three-year evaluation, involving more than 2,000 high school athletes in Sacramento County, California, which found that participating players were more likely to intervene to stop abuse and less likely to perpetrate it.

High Point’s program — the Offender-Focused Domestic Violence Initiative — was conceived in 2009 based on an approach developed by David M. Kennedy, a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York. While many programs focus on helping victims of domestic violence, High Point’s initiative targets the offender with a strategy of aggressive deterrence.

Since the program was fully implemented in 2012, the recidivism rate for domestic-violence offenders in High Point has been cut to about 9 percent, which the police department says is about one-third the national rate. There’s been one intimate-partner homicide since 2009, compared to 17 between 2004 and 2008.

“We’d get 5,000 domestic-violence calls a year — every year it’s our No. 1 call,” Chief Sumner said. “It gets passed on from generation to generation, but this program is a really good shot at breaking that cycle citywide.”

Efforts to raise awareness about domestic violence have been vigorously pursued in the U.S. for more than three decades. After Congress passed the Violence Against Women Act in 1994, domestic violence committed by intimate partners — current or former spouses, boyfriends or girlfriends — declined by more than 60 percent over the next 10 years.

Since then, however, the numbers have stayed relatively flat.

Even as incidents involving National Football League players and other pro athletes refocus attention on domestic violence, leading prevention advocates say more resources and smarter strategies are needed to combat it.

“We now have a safety net for victims, we have the laws in place, judges who understand the seriousness of the issue,” said Esta Soler, president of Futures Without Violence. “We need to do more to prevent the problems, not just treat the problems.”

For decades, so-called batterer intervention programs have been one of the main forms of prevention, with offenders participating in group sessions aimed at promoting non-abusive behavior. A range of local programs have won praise — such as Wisdom Walk, which focuses on African-American men in Milwaukee, and Caminar Latino, which runs a 24-week program for Latino men in Atlanta.
However, research on the effectiveness of group intervention programs has produced mixed findings — causing some judges and probation officers to mandate that men participate, others saying there’s no evidence of success.

And what about the much-discussed programs in High Point and Pittsburgh? Here’s a closer look at each:

The new regimen in High Point, a city of about 107,000, kicks into gear whenever police respond to a domestic disturbance call. Even if there’s no arrest, and no previous record of domestic violence, the alleged aggressors receive another visit from a police officer within 48 hours and are notified that they are henceforth on a “watch list.”

With any subsequent domestic violence offense, there’s an escalating series of consequences, including a face-to-face warning from a detective at the time of arrest and — for some repeat offenders — a summons to appear in person before a panel of police, prosecutors and members of the community.

“In an hour, we explain how it’s going to be different,” Sumner said. “We will use any means to sanction you.”

The pressure tactics include threatening to classify any further domestic violence offense as a felony and to expedite prosecution of any other criminal case pending against the offender. Sumner’s department has found that many domestic-violence offenders have a record of other violent crimes, and uses those records to help decide which targets of the program might deserve extra scrutiny.

The community panel makes clear that the police will maintain their aggressive stance regardless of whether the offender’s victim plays an active role in any future case or seeks to stay out of it.

David Kennedy noted that in the traditional responses to domestic violence, the onus often was on the victim to report the abuse and testify about it in court, sometimes incurring threats and further violence in the process.

“We wanted to be able to say to the offender, ‘You’re dealing with us, you’re not dealing with her. The state is going to make you stop,’” Kennedy said. “The feedback from the women is, ‘You’ve got his attention. Things are better. Keep it up, and keep me out of it.’”

If victimized women do want services, they are offered through a Victim’s Justice Center that opened in April. It’s a one-stop site where victims can meet with police, get protective orders from legal aid attorneys, and be informed of other available services.

“In the past, it was up to the victim to do all the work while dealing with the threats,” said Tiffany Atkins, a domestic violence attorney with Legal Aid of North Carolina. “Now we take the responsibility.”

Sumner said his department has been able to implement the program without increasing its budget — primarily by adding some new training and reassigning two detectives to specialize in domestic-violence cases.

Said Kennedy of the approach, “If you do it smart, it doesn’t need to be costly.”

If any high school was tailor-made for Coaching Boys Into Men, it might be Woodland Hills. It’s a perennial football powerhouse in western Pennsylvania, sending many of its players on to major college teams and even to the NFL. It also serves a 12-town district that includes some of greater Pittsburgh’s roughest neighborhoods.

“The community of kids we deal with — there are a lot of broken homes,” said Keith Davis, who attended the school and now, at 30, is in his third year on the football coaching staff.

“A lot of players have seen where their father has beaten their mother, beaten their sister — it’s no wonder they grow up the same way,” Davis said. “The program — they’re actually living it. In some schools, it might not hit home the way it did with us.”

Davis recalled how players followed news reports of the Steubenville, Ohio, case in which two high school football players were convicted last year of raping a 16-year-old girl after an alcohol-fueled party in 2012.

“A lot of our guys came back and said, ‘Coach, I’ve been in situations like that,’” Davis said. “We have to put a stop to it.”

Launched as a public service announcement campaign in 2001, Coaching Boys Into Men has since expanded to schools and coaches associations across the country — with new pilot programs this year involving coaches of 7th- and 8th-grade athletes. It’s based on the premise that young athletes will take exhortations from their coaches seriously, and then — as role models among their peers — will be taken seriously by other students as they re-think their attitudes about relationships and abuse.

“If you’re a student athlete, you’re also a student leader — respected by peers, by underclassmen, with a degree of influence and power,” said Alan Johnson, superintendent of the Woodland Hills School District. “You can be a leader for good, or a leader for bad. You have to make the decision which kind you’re going to be.”

One of the team’s top linemen on offense and defense, 265-pound senior Daniel Gibson, said the players, by taking the program to heart, had indeed had an influence on other students.

“Whatever we do, everyone else would like to do,” he said. “They get off on our vibe”

Another advocate of Coaching Boys Into Men is Wendell Say, head football coach for 35 years at Aiea High School near Honolulu. He’s been using the program for five years — it’s now a routine prelude to practices on Wednesdays.

“The curriculum is simple — it just takes 15 minutes at most, unless you let the kids talk,” Say said. “I sometimes take 45 minutes.”

Say says his players — many from low-income housing projects — often convey their firsthand knowledge of domestic violence. They’ve seen it in their family, or abused their own girlfriends, and they’ve also followed the domestic-violence cases involving Ray Rice and other NFL players.

“We still have kids who make wrong choices,” Say said. “But hopefully every year you learn more — a little understanding that just because you’re stronger doesn’t give you the right to hurt someone.”

The program — broken down thematically on a series of “training cards” — targets such behavior as catcalling and demeaning boasts about girlfriends. It also advises coaches on how to handle actual incidents of physical and sexual violence committed by team members.

The ethos is summed up in a pledge to be taken by players and coaches:

“I believe in treating women and girls with honor and respect. I know that violence is neither a solution nor a sign of strength. I believe that real men lead with conviction and speak out against violence against women and girls. I believe that I can be a role model to others by taking this pledge.”

In Pennsylvania and beyond, teaching boys and men to prevent domestic violence

B. Williamson

On a high school football field near Pittsburgh, an assistant coach tackled a topic unrelated to the upcoming game.

“One of the biggest components of being a man is how you treat females,” Kevin Murray told his players at Woodland Hills High. “We’d be doing you a very big disservice by not holding you accountable.”

At the jailhouse in High Point, North Carolina, a sterner version of that message is now given routinely to men detained for domestic-violence offenses and considered at risk of re-offending.

“We’re putting these guys on notice that domestic violence is not going to be tolerated here,” said Police Chief Marty Sumner. “The message is very clear: ‘We know who you are, we know what you’re doing. It has to stop.'”

The two programs target different audiences. But in the realm of domestic-violence prevention, where the record of success is spotty, they share a status as two of the nation’s most promising initiatives.

Coaching Boys Into Men is one of the flagship programs developed by Futures Without Violence, a nonprofit working to curb abuse of women and children. Thousands of high school coaches across the country, now joined by some middle school coaches, have received training in how to convey to their players the importance of treating young women with respect and avoiding abusive behavior.

The program has attracted the notice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The federal agency funded a three-year evaluation, involving more than 2,000 high school athletes in Sacramento County, California, which found that participating players were more likely to intervene to stop abuse and less likely to perpetrate it.

High Point’s program — the Offender-Focused Domestic Violence Initiative — was conceived in 2009 based on an approach developed by David M. Kennedy, a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York. While many programs focus on helping victims of domestic violence, High Point’s initiative targets the offender with a strategy of aggressive deterrence.

Since the program was fully implemented in 2012, the recidivism rate for domestic-violence offenders in High Point has been cut to about 9 percent, which the police department says is about one-third the national rate. There’s been one intimate-partner homicide since 2009, compared to 17 between 2004 and 2008.

“We’d get 5,000 domestic-violence calls a year — every year it’s our No. 1 call,” Chief Sumner said. “It gets passed on from generation to generation, but this program is a really good shot at breaking that cycle citywide.”

Efforts to raise awareness about domestic violence have been vigorously pursued in the U.S. for more than three decades. After Congress passed the Violence Against Women Act in 1994, domestic violence committed by intimate partners — current or former spouses, boyfriends or girlfriends — declined by more than 60 percent over the next 10 years.

Since then, however, the numbers have stayed relatively flat.

Even as incidents involving National Football League players and other pro athletes refocus attention on domestic violence, leading prevention advocates say more resources and smarter strategies are needed to combat it.

“We now have a safety net for victims, we have the laws in place, judges who understand the seriousness of the issue,” said Esta Soler, president of Futures Without Violence. “We need to do more to prevent the problems, not just treat the problems.”

For decades, so-called batterer intervention programs have been one of the main forms of prevention, with offenders participating in group sessions aimed at promoting non-abusive behavior. A range of local programs have won praise — such as Wisdom Walk, which focuses on African-American men in Milwaukee, and Caminar Latino, which runs a 24-week program for Latino men in Atlanta.

However, research on the effectiveness of group intervention programs has produced mixed findings — causing some judges and probation officers to mandate that men participate, others saying there’s no evidence of success.

And what about the much-discussed programs in High Point and Pittsburgh? Here’s a closer look at each:


The new regimen in High Point, a city of about 107,000, kicks into gear whenever police respond to a domestic disturbance call. Even if there’s no arrest, and no previous record of domestic violence, the alleged aggressors receive another visit from a police officer within 48 hours and are notified that they are henceforth on a “watch list.”

With any subsequent domestic violence offense, there’s an escalating series of consequences, including a face-to-face warning from a detective at the time of arrest and — for some repeat offenders — a summons to appear in person before a panel of police, prosecutors and members of the community.

“In an hour, we explain how it’s going to be different,” Sumner said. “We will use any means to sanction you.”

The pressure tactics include threatening to classify any further domestic violence offense as a felony and to expedite prosecution of any other criminal case pending against the offender. Sumner’s department has found that many domestic-violence offenders have a record of other violent crimes, and uses those records to help decide which targets of the program might deserve extra scrutiny.

The community panel makes clear that the police will maintain their aggressive stance regardless of whether the offender’s victim plays an active role in any future case or seeks to stay out of it.

David Kennedy noted that in the traditional responses to domestic violence, the onus often was on the victim to report the abuse and testify about it in court, sometimes incurring threats and further violence in the process.

“We wanted to be able to say to the offender, ‘You’re dealing with us, you’re not dealing with her. The state is going to make you stop,'” Kennedy said. “The feedback from the women is, ‘You’ve got his attention. Things are better. Keep it up, and keep me out of it.'”

If victimized women do want services, they are offered through a Victim’s Justice Center that opened in April. It’s a one-stop site where victims can meet with police, get protective orders from legal aid attorneys, and be informed of other available services.

“In the past, it was up to the victim to do all the work while dealing with the threats,” said Tiffany Atkins, a domestic violence attorney with Legal Aid of North Carolina. “Now we take the responsibility.”

Sumner said his department has been able to implement the program without increasing its budget — primarily by adding some new training and reassigning two detectives to specialize in domestic-violence cases.

Said Kennedy of the approach, “If you do it smart, it doesn’t need to be costly.”


If any high school was tailor-made for Coaching Boys Into Men, it might be Woodland Hills. It’s a perennial football powerhouse in western Pennsylvania, sending many of its players on to major college teams and even to the NFL. It also serves a 12-town district that includes some of greater Pittsburgh’s roughest neighborhoods.

“The community of kids we deal with — there are a lot of broken homes,” said Keith Davis, who attended the school and now, at 30, is in his third year on the football coaching staff.

“A lot of players have seen where their father has beaten their mother, beaten their sister — it’s no wonder they grow up the same way,” Davis said. “The program — they’re actually living it. In some schools, it might not hit home the way it did with us.”

Davis recalled how players followed news reports of the Steubenville, Ohio, case in which two high school football players were convicted last year of raping a 16-year-old girl after an alcohol-fueled party in 2012.

“A lot of our guys came back and said, ‘Coach, I’ve been in situations like that,'” Davis said. “We have to put a stop to it.”

Launched as a public service announcement campaign in 2001, Coaching Boys Into Men has since expanded to schools and coaches associations across the country — with new pilot programs this year involving coaches of 7th- and 8th-grade athletes. It’s based on the premise that young athletes will take exhortations from their coaches seriously, and then — as role models among their peers — will be taken seriously by other students as they re-think their attitudes about relationships and abuse.

“If you’re a student athlete, you’re also a student leader — respected by peers, by underclassmen, with a degree of influence and power,” said Alan Johnson, superintendent of the Woodland Hills School District. “You can be a leader for good, or a leader for bad. You have to make the decision which kind you’re going to be.”

One of the team’s top linemen on offense and defense, 265-pound senior Daniel Gibson, said the players, by taking the program to heart, had indeed had an influence on other students.

“Whatever we do, everyone else would like to do,” he said. “They get off on our vibe”

Another advocate of Coaching Boys Into Men is Wendell Say, head football coach for 35 years at Aiea High School near Honolulu. He’s been using the program for five years — it’s now a routine prelude to practices on Wednesdays.

“The curriculum is simple — it just takes 15 minutes at most, unless you let the kids talk,” Say said. “I sometimes take 45 minutes.”

Say says his players — many from low-income housing projects — often convey their firsthand knowledge of domestic violence. They’ve seen it in their family, or abused their own girlfriends, and they’ve also followed the domestic-violence cases involving Ray Rice and other NFL players.

“We still have kids who make wrong choices,” Say said. “But hopefully every year you learn more — a little understanding that just because you’re stronger doesn’t give you the right to hurt someone.”

The program — broken down thematically on a series of “training cards” — targets such behavior as catcalling and demeaning boasts about girlfriends. It also advises coaches on how to handle actual incidents of physical and sexual violence committed by team members.

The ethos is summed up in a pledge to be taken by players and coaches:

“I believe in treating women and girls with honor and respect. I know that violence is neither a solution nor a sign of strength. I believe that real men lead with conviction and speak out against violence against women and girls. I believe that I can be a role model to others by taking this pledge.”


What Does a Real Estate Lawyer Do?

Real estate lawyers handle all the paperwork in transactions and litigation.

Real estate lawyers document and review real estate transactions, including purchases, leases, inspections and appraisals. They also help resolve title insurance and environmental issues. When things go wrong in real estate transactions, real estate lawyers step in to file and defend lawsuits in court. Many real estate lawyers also help lenders carry out foreclosure, while others help borrowers defend against foreclosure.

Document Drafting

One of the key roles a real estate lawyer plays is that of document drafter. Real estate attorneys prepare deeds for conveyance transactions, leases and rental agreements, purchase contracts and financing agreements. While state law allows real estate agents to help clients fill out these types of documents, only licensed lawyers can actually draft and revise the documents.


Because real estate lawyers have sophisticated experience with many types of real estate transactions, clients often ask their real estate lawyer to negotiate the terms and conditions of real estate deals. This involves working with other attorneys, developers, brokers and investors.

Transaction Review

Some real estate attorneys are involved only in reviewing and providing advice on real estate transactions. Clients will negotiate their own deals, sign a contract and then ask the lawyer to perform the “due diligence” on the deal. This means the lawyer will examine legal title issues, environment issues and reports and any of the contracts or other documents involved in the transaction. Real estate lawyers have training that allows them to spot issues that their clients do not recognize. In this role, the real estate lawyer plays guardian for the clients to make sure the clients don’t fall into any unseen legal traps.


Real estate transactions don’t always work out, and when they don’t, it is common to involve the court in a lawsuit. Real estate lawyers represent their clients in real estate litigation. This includes drafting legal pleadings to file with the judge, participating in hearings and trial with the judge, and filing appeals if necessary. It also includes bargaining with opposing counsel to try and work out settlement agreements.


Many real estate attorneys specialize in mortgage and trust deed foreclosure, particularly during difficult economic times. Some lawyers represent lenders while others represent borrowers. The lawyers representing lenders help guide lenders correctly through the foreclosure process, which may include filing a lawsuit in court. The lawyers representing borrowers, on the other hand, try to make life difficult for the foreclosing lender by challenging any mistakes made in the foreclosure process, and by negotiating with the lender for a settlement agreement to stop the foreclosure process.

Real Estate Law

Real Estate and Property Law covers an extensive legal area, which is regulated by federal and state statutes, as well as common law. Many aspects of this area overlap with contract law. The terms “real estate”, “realty” and “real property” are generally used interchangeably, although many people associate “real estate” more closely with the structures or buildings and the land. However, real property/real estate encompasses more than just the obviously tangible aspects. It comprises land and that which is attached to or belongs with the land, such as the immovable structures like buildings, houses, trees, bushes and minerals permanently affixed to the land, But it also consists of the interests, benefits and rights that are legally considered attached to the real property, which can include certain rights to the air above the land, to drill in the ground beneath it, rights to live on the property for a specific timeframe or to acquire the real property in the future, and more.

The practice area of real estate and property law deals with a variety of related issues, including the following: rights and interests in real estate and real property; sales, purchases and other transfers of real estate and real property; legal aspects of rental property and landlord issues; tenants’, renters’ and homeowners’ rights; title to real property; settlement of claims against property rights; property development; zoning and land use; related agriculture issues; home loans and foreclosures; and various other relevant topics. This is a complex practice area, further complicated by the significant inconsistency in the laws throughout different cities and states. Real estate attorneys are versed in many different activities, from the mundane drafting of deeds and filing of liens, to handling boundary and zoning disputes and even assisting families in court when threatened with foreclosure. Copyright HG.org



Six Financial Dos and Don’ts When It Comes to Divorce

Nobody said the divorce process was easy—but know life after divorce is possible. During a divorce, you’ll be faced with several important decisions that will ultimately affect your life both short- and long-term. Keeping your financial security in mind will make all the difference.

Do: Know your standard of living will change—make a realistic budget to adapt.
While you’re used to having two incomes, it’s not impossible to live on one. Know that your standard of living will likely be changed and, ultimately, be negatively impacted after divorce. Proper planning is key! Working with a budget or financial planner specializing in divorce will help you determine your best options for closing the standard of living gap.

Don’t: Assume the parent with more custodial time should keep the family home.
Deciding who gets to keep the family home can be an extremely difficult and emotionally draining process—especially when there are children involved. Keeping a small slice of your life together—a sense of normalcy—might seem like the best decision at the time, but it might not always be financially sound. It’s important to be realistic and know what you can and cannot afford.

Do: Close all joint back accounts before finalizing your divorce.
Nobody wants to unnecessarily share debt. By closing all bank accounts before the divorce is finalized, you’ll be better off protecting your assets in the long run. Yes, you’ll still have to pay off anything left in joint accounts, but the sooner you close these accounts and begin opening separate ones, the sooner you’ll begin building credit on your own.

Don’t: Decide financial issues one at a time.
Are you thinking about taxes? Capital gains? Investment losses? Timing issues? Inflation? This is extremely important. By looking at each asset or source of income separately, you may overlook one or all of these important factors that will eventually come into play. Look at a comprehensive picture of your finances to arrive at a fair settlement—this will help you better understand how each and every financial decision you make affects another decision.

Do: Consider your long-term financial stability.
Don’t only focus on immediate tasks! Yes, splitting assets and getting child support might be in the forefront of your mind, but consider your financial future years from now. Again, working with a financial planner can help you review any proposed settlement agreements before signing. This will help you consider long-term financial consequences.

Don’t: Assume equal division of property is fair.
Did you know: assets that generate income may be worth more than their market value? Just because you come to an agreement that both you and your spouse will receive property worth equal monetary value doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be receiving a true share of the assets over time. Pay attention to details!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Coleman Law Group

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