Tag Archives: Litigating With Subpoenas

Litigating With Subpoenas

Litigating With Subpoenas
Photo Credit: Galyna Motizova/Shutterstock.com

Subpoenas are an essential litigation tool used by attorneys to ensure that they have all of the information that is available. The intent of a subpoena is to get information that could have an impact on the outcome of a trial, but which an attorney would not want to disclose voluntarily. Often, subpoenas will result in the disclosure of information that can result in a settlement before the trial begins. Subpoenas can lead to a better understanding of the other side’s case with a legal search. Thus, the attorney for the party that might look culpable if the information were to be disclosed will now provide this information with a subpoena specifically requesting the information.

Subpoenas offer attorneys a chance to get information that will help prove or disprove their client’s case. Criminal defense attorneys use subpoenas to obtain witness or lay opinions that could cast serious doubt on the guilt of their clients. Information on how evidence was handled in a DUI case could be vital in putting up a proper defense.

Attorneys in civil cases will use subpoenas to get information that may result in resolving the claim without a trial, or at the least, will give an advantage in the trial to the side that was favored by the material subpoenaed.

Using the power of the subpoena requires an understanding of what a subpoena can do, and about how to get a subpoena issued. The reasons for requesting a subpoena must be established in the motion requesting it. Care must be exercised to avoid the errors often found in a request for a subpoena. The constitutional grounds for requesting a subpoena must be honored, or the request will be denied.

Subpoenas are issued by the court which has jurisdiction over the case. Every court has procedures for issuing subpoenas, and they will expect these to be followed. Courts will also stipulate how the subpoena must be served upon the person who is expected to respond.

Subpoenas must be specific in requesting information, or the judge may deny the request; subpoenas cannot be used as a witch hunt.

Subpoenas are formal legal commands and they should be taken seriously. Failure to comply with a subpoena can lead to contempt of court charges, which may ultimately lead to financial penalties and cause harm to the case you have been asked to help with.